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Celebrating the Isabella Heap Volunteer Group's Remarkable Achievements

Council News Blyth Town News Public Noticeboard

Dragon Fly Plaque at the Isabella Heap

Transforming the Isabella Heap into a Thriving Green Space

The Isabella Heap Volunteer Group, a dedicated team passionate about nature and community, has made extraordinary strides in transforming the Isabella Heap into a vibrant and welcoming space for wildlife and residents. Over the last two and a half years, their commitment has turned this area into a sanctuary for nine precious red squirrels and many local plants and wildlife.

Achieving Gold in the Blyth in Bloom 2023 Competition

Their efforts were splendidly recognised when they clinched the Gold award in the new Environmental or Conservation group category in the Blyth in Bloom Competition 2023. This accolade is a testament to their hard work and positive impact in conserving and enhancing our local environment.

The group's individual efforts have gained regional and national recognition, earning accolades from prestigious organisations. They've been honoured as Love Northumberland Runners Up and acknowledged in the "It's Your Neighbourhood" initiative. Additionally, their achievements have been celebrated with certificates from the Royal Horticultural Society, in collaboration with BBC's "The One Show," and awards from the John Muir Conservation Trust, highlighting their significant contributions to environmental conservation and community betterment.

Supported by Blyth Town Council

Deputy Mayor Aileen Barrass has been working closely with the group, and local Isabella ward Councillors Anna Watson and John Potts are always on the lookout for ways that the Town Council can help the group grow further.

In 2021/2022, the group received a Community Grant of £8,279.00 from the Council. This grant was instrumental in procuring plants, equipment, and boulders for boundaries, alongside covering expenses for the successful 5K Trail Run/Walk.

Additionally, the Council's Small Schemes Funding, facilitated by Cllr Anna Watson, provided £250.00 for a banner and two display boards, enhancing the group's presence and impact at various events.

A Journey from Adversity to Triumph

Deputy Mayor Barrass said, "The journey hasn't been easy. Initially, the group faced challenges with extensive antisocial behaviour in the area. However, their perseverance and dedication have made these challenges a success story, making the Isabella Heap a safe and cherished place for everyone.

"It's amazing to see the progress they've all made, and I'm delighted to be a part of such a wonderful, caring team."

Join us in celebrating and supporting the ongoing efforts of the Isabella Heap Volunteer Group. Together, we can continue to make a difference!

#IsabellaHeapVolunteers #BlythTownCouncil #CommunitySpirit #EnvironmentalConservation #LocalHeroes